Now open the TS Bin forlder off "Mansion and Garden Stuff". In most cases C:- Program Files- EA games- The Sims 2. Step 5, When te "Mansion and Garden Stuff" is installed try to search for the installation folder on your drive. Step 4, Please install the last Stuffpack "Mansion and Garden Stuff" the same way as the last 3 steps. Inside the CD Keycode folder you can find the patch. You'll also need to Patch the game or you will not be able to install expansion packs and stuff packs.

The game will ask you to insert the original CD.

Step 3, After the Basegame has been installed do NOT boot up de game yet or it will not work. Step 2, When the game asks about the CD serial fill in the code inside the CD Keycode folder. Step 1, Run the "AutoRun" to start the installation proces (inside the Gamedata folder). Please note the Sims 2 is an older game so it might not work on computer but you can always try. Copy the folders from your downloaded and extracted DLC’s to the installation folder of your legal game.It is important to PAY ATTENTION to the following steps OR the sims 2 might not work.

Extract the downloaded DLC’s with Winrar.direct download for the selectable packs.iso to the installation folder of your legal game. Download the torrent for all DLC’s in 1 iso file.Selectable DLC’s in Winrar format (direct downloads) STEP 2 Add missing DLC’s to your existing The Sims 3 Game All DLC’s in 1 iso file (torrent) bat file you can’t use the mouse, so type 1 after Choose option Number Right-click on Setup and run as Administrator.Download a small file EA DLC Unlocker v2.Now your game and Origin update whenever you start your The Sims 3 (if there are updates of course) In Client update: switch “Automatic game updates” and “Automatically update Origin” on.Don’t add “The Sims 3” to the path mentioned under Game library location. What you see there is where your The Sims 3 folder will installīy default your installation folder would be C:\Program Files (x86)\Origin Games\The Sims 3.Look at “On your computer” -> “Game library location”.In the top menu bar click on Installs & Saves.Click on the word Origin (left top bar).Preparations in Origin Locate your installation folder Better use of your graphics card (higher resolutions available).No cracks, so no problems with your anti-virus.You can select the DLC’s you want to play with.You play via Origin (also possible off-line).You must have at least a legal base game for this system. Add free DLC’s to your legal The Sims 3 (Pack System)